At First Congregational Church, music and the arts inform, elucidate, and accompany the scripture readings and sermon. Our congregation sings with gusto driven by faith. On a typical Thursday night, the church is a beehive of musical activity. The handbell choirs rehearse in the sanctuary and the vocal choirs rehearse in the choir room. Music resounds throughout the entire building. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join any of our musical ensembles. No previous experience is required. For more information, contact our Minister of Music Richard A.A. Larraga.
The Steeple Pilots are a group of middle and high school age musicians who perform songs with an uplifting and positive message. The format is pop/rock based with the group on electric guitars, drums, brass and wind instruments and mic’d vocals. With most musicians coming from a structured musical experience, The Steeple Pilots are a new type of musical experience applying improvisation, individual interpretation and arrangement collaboration to create their music.
The human voice has been described as our first musical instrument. All societies create music and choral singing is a tradition as old as the church itself. We invite you to join any of our choirs and make a “joyful noise” unto the Lord.

Kick Start Choir
Grades K – 3
Rehearsals: Sundays, 11:15 AM
Meeting Place: Choir Room
Kick Start will learn rounds, folk songs, and lively hymns. We will explore the musical self and musical collective through the use of movement, manipulatives, and group work. The music will be multiculturally rich and will allow students to play body percussion and instruments.
Grades 4 – 12
Rehearsals: Sundays, 11:45 AM – 12:30 PM
Meeting Place: Choir Room
Do you like to sing, but are afraid of being embarrassed among your school peers? Are you afraid that singing will make you look uncool? Or are you afraid you aren’t very good, or have no experience? Well, none of these fears apply in our teen choir, The Notables!
Under our choral director, Mr. Larraga (he likes to be called Mr L), the choir will be learning sacred pieces, many songs from Broadway musicals and more. No experience is required. All are welcome and free of teasing!

The Chancel Choir
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7:30 – 9:00 PM and
Sundays, 9:00 AM
Meeting Place: Choir Room and Sanctuary
If you like music, then one of the best places to be on a Thursday night is our Chancel Choir rehearsal. It’s a place for fun, fellowship, and wonderful music-making.
The Chancel Choir at First Congregational Church is our “adult” choir and is comprised of people from all kinds of musical and non-musical backgrounds. Under our Choir Director, Richard A.A. Larraga, we will prepare pieces for Sunday worship service from a wide musical selection of contemporary and traditional works. The Chancel Choir regularly participates in Sunday and special worship services from September through June. New members are welcome to join at any time throughout the year.
The handbell program at First Congregational Church began in 1990 with 2 octaves of Malmark handbells. We now have 5 octaves of handbells; 4+ octaves of choir chimes; rhythm instruments and an ever-growing music library. The handbells and choir chimes are used by three choirs. Handbells have rung at weekly services, weddings, funerals, holiday concerts, AGEHR sponsored conferences & invitational rings … the list goes on!
Youth Chimers
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 4:45 – 5:20 PM – temporarily on hold
Meeting Place: Sanctuary
Youth chimers are youngsters in grades 2-6 who are eager to chime and join together to learn how to read music, play simple rhythms, and enjoy making music in an ensemble.
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:20 PM – temporarily on hold
Meeting Place: Sanctuary
The intergenerational Kabanas group is comprised of ringers who have had some previous experience with chimes or bells joined with experienced mentors.
Reading music is a plus, but we help you learn to read music, too. Experienced mentors provide ringing support and join in to improve rhythm skills, bell skills and techniques, and adding musicality to songs.
Handbell Harmonies
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Meeting Place: Sanctuary
Our senior choir, Handbell Harmonies, has been ringing most of the 30 years handbells have been rung at the church. New experienced ringers are welcome to join this group as subs or as regular ringers as positions open.
We encourage a willingness to learn to ring, but just as importantly – having FUN! We generally ring the second Sunday of each month September thru May and at special services including Easter and Christmas. We proudly and lovingly “Ring to The Glory of God.”
The Christmas Pageant
Our annual intergenerational pageant tells the story of love coming down at Christmas.
Rehearsals begin in late November and the pageant is usually held during Worship on the Sunday before Christmas.

When You Come Through Our Doors, You Are Family!
We are a congregation who actively seeks to incorporate the gospel message of love, compassion and hope into our daily lives.
725 Washington St, Holliston, MA 01746